The territory of Albania has been divided into 10 waste zones of which one is demarcated as the Waste Zone Vlorë North covering the two municipalities with 11 local administrative units of Vlorë and Selenicë (see below).

  • Population living in the service area accounts for about 163,000 inhabitants of which about 140,000 living in Vlorë Municipality and 23,000 in Selenicë Municipality.
  • The current waste generation is estimated at about 52,000 t/a of which 48,500 t/a originate form Vlorë Municipality and 3,500 t/a from Selenicë Municipality.
  • The actual waste collected accounts for about 41,200 t/a (Vlorë Municipality: 39,350 t/a, Selenicë Municipality 1,760 t/a) thus reaching an overall service coverage of 79% (Vlorë Municipality: 81%; Selenicë Municipality: 50%).